Thank you for considering a collaboration with The Composer Exchange. To ensure we perfectly match your project's needs with our community's expertise, we've designed a comprehensive Music Brief form. This form is your first step towards a bespoke musical creation, tailored specifically to your project.

Here's how it works:

  1. Detail Your Vision: Use our form to share the essence of your project. Describe the mood, style, and any specific requirements you have for the music. The more details you provide, the better we can align our composition to your vision. 

  2. Expert Curation: Once your brief is submitted, a curator from our community will carefully review your needs. Our curators are adept at understanding and translating your requirements into a musical language that resonates with our composers.

  3. Responsive Communication: You can expect a response from one of our dedicated curators within 24 hours. They will acknowledge your brief, clarify any additional information needed, and outline the next steps in the collaboration process.

  4. Collaborative Journey Begins: After the initial contact, the curator will facilitate the perfect pairing between your project and our talented composers, ensuring a harmonious and creative journey towards achieving your musical goals.

We are thrilled about the prospect of working with you and bringing your project to life through music. Your interest in collaboration is the first note in what we hope will be a symphony of creative success. Fill out the Music Brief form, and let's start this harmonious journey together!

Click Here to get submit a music brief